Crisis Hotline

Reaching out with technology


Crisis Hotline

If you or someone you know is in suicidal crisis or emotional distress, please call

Reaching out with technology

For teens. Call now for free.

Texting in a Crisis:



DBSA National

We’ve Been There… We Can Help.

To find out more about our meetings, call or email. You can also visit our Meetup group by clicking here.

Board of Directors


Tony Dellicarri: 845-422-2084

Treasurer / Secretary Mike Riconda


  • Robin Group
  • Mike Riconda
  • Ginny Meissner-Borton

Medical Advisors

Lois Kroplick,DO
Mona Begum, MD

The board of directors of the rockland county chapter of the depression and bipolar support alliance wish to extend their gratitude to you for visiting the site. We sincerely hope you found something of value. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you, or someone you know, is in need, and, please, do make a donation. Your tax deductible donation helps to keep this site available, and us able to provide the warm and caring peer-to-peer support so essential to recovery and wellness.

To learn more about our next meeting, or to RSVP, please visit our group on

There is no fee for attending the support group.